Hi, I'm Anna Teixidor

Hi, I'm Anna Teixidor

Veterinary specialist GPCert (ExAP) of exotic animals, internal medicine and image in Salt and Girona. Collegiate nº1063 and graduated from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2010.

We specialize in mammals, small mammals, birds and reptiles.

We have a separate operating room and hospitalization to attend to the needs of each species in a personalized way with professionalism and close treatment.

Radiography, ultrasound, soft tissue surgery, endoscopy, hospitalization and dentistry.

We have our own laboratory where we perform various diagnostic tests such as hemogram and blood biochemistry, serology and PCR tests, culture, histopathology biopsy, cytology and others.



We specialize in mammals, small mammals, birds and reptiles.

We have a separate operating room and hospitalization to attend to the needs of each species in a personalized way with professionalism and close treatment.


Do you have an exotic animal? We inform you about everything you need to know


If you have just purchased an exotic animal, a first visit with our specialist veterinarian is recommended. We will advise you on the management, feeding and acclimatization according to each species.


Advice for breeders / associations / zoo management program

Advice for breeders of exotic species
to establish guidelines for handling, feeding and hygiene.
Processing and management of documentation to establish zoological nuclei.
Annual veterinary checks of zoos.

Want to know more?




Related in part to age and diet, this disease can affect our cat. Do you want to know how notice the first symptoms and know when you have to take your cat to the vet?    Download.pdf

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Chronic kidney failure (CKD) is a malfunction of the kidneys that does not allow them to carry out their vital task: purify the blood of toxins, among other functions.It is a chronic disease that can never be cured, once it is detected our animal will...

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Ferrets are strict carnivorous mammals and have become pets in the last few years. The average life expectancy is between 9 and 12 years.In the early days, it is important to try to reduce stress as much as possible. It is necessary to control that the...

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Location and Contact

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