Hi, I'm Anna Teixidor
Veterinary specialist GPCert (ExAP) of exotic animals, internal medicine and image in Salt and Girona. Collegiate nº1063 and graduated from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2010.
We specialize in mammals, small mammals, birds and reptiles.
We have a separate operating room and hospitalization to attend to the needs of each species in a personalized way with professionalism and close treatment.
Radiography, ultrasound, soft tissue surgery, endoscopy, hospitalization and dentistry.
We have our own laboratory where we perform various diagnostic tests such as hemogram and blood biochemistry, serology and PCR tests, culture, histopathology biopsy, cytology and others.
We specialize in mammals, small mammals, birds and reptiles.
We have a separate operating room and hospitalization to attend to the needs of each species in a personalized way with professionalism and close treatment.

Do you have an exotic animal? We inform you about everything you need to know
If you have just purchased an exotic animal, a first visit with our specialist veterinarian is recommended. We will advise you on the management, feeding and acclimatization according to each species.

Advice for breeders / associations / zoo management program
Advice for breeders of exotic species
to establish guidelines for handling, feeding and hygiene.
Processing and management of documentation to establish zoological nuclei.
Annual veterinary checks of zoos.
Want to know more?
The adoption of a pet, a puppy must be a decision and responsibility that must be made by the whole family. Everyone must participate in the education and care of the animal they have accepted as a new family member.In the early days it is very important...
Allergies in our pets are very similar to those that we could suffer from. You just have to know how to recognize the symptoms and seek veterinary advice to be able to solve the problem that your pet has. From Animalia we have prepared some points to make...
Have you ever thought about the weight of your pet? Obesity in dogs and cats is a bigger problem than you might imagine; predisposes to the development of heart, respiratory and osteoarticular diseases. It has also been linked to the appearance of urinary...
Summer is not over yet and we have to be more than ever, aware of the heat that affects our pets. Do you know how we can prevent heat stroke or identify it and act quickly enough so that our pet's life is not compromised? Download.pdf
Osteoarthritis is a very common pathology in our pets over 7-8 years old, it is often not diagnosed or treated as it should because we assume that our pet is getting older and we think that the fact that it does not want to move is a matter of age, unaware...
Have you ever wondered if it is necessary to brush your dog's teeth? What care should we take and what are the complications that poor oral hygiene can cause? Download.pdf
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