About us
We are a veterinary clinic with 39 years of experience formed by a team of veterinarians and veterinary assistants with the common goal of offering a quality service to our patients.
Our team of professionals has extensive experience and is constantly training to offer the latest advances in veterinary medicine to our patients.
About us
We are a veterinary clinic with 39 years of experience formed by a team of veterinarians and veterinary assistants with the common goal of offering a quality service to our patients.
Our team of professionals has extensive experience and is constantly training to offer the latest advances in veterinary medicine to our patients.
About us
We are a veterinary clinic with 39 years of experience formed by a team of veterinarians and veterinary assistants with the common goal of offering a quality service to our patients.
Our team of professionals has extensive experience and is constantly training to offer the latest advances in veterinary medicine to our patients.
Veterinary Clinic
The Animàlia center consists of 300m² of veterinary facilities with 3 consultations, laboratory, ultrasound room, radiology room, operating room, separate canine, feline and exotic hospitalization, pre-surgical area, dog and cat waiting room, shop and hair salon.
Veterinary Clinic
The Animàlia center consists of 300m² of veterinary facilities with 3 consultations, laboratory, ultrasound room, radiology room, operating room, separate canine, feline and exotic hospitalization, pre-surgical area, dog and cat waiting room, shop and hair salon.
Veterinary Specialties
We want you to have as many services as possible at your fingertips. Therefore, we perform from the most common to specialized services such as cardiology, exotics, dermatology and general medicine.
Veterinary Specialties
We want you to have as many services as possible at your fingertips. Therefore, we perform from the most common to specialized services such as cardiology, exotics, dermatology and general medicine.
The Animàlia World
Do you have doubts about your pet, frequent pathologies, handling or others? Check out our section. You will find tips prepared by our veterinary team
The Animàlia World
Do you have doubts about your pet, frequent pathologies, handling or others? Check out our section. You will find tips prepared by our veterinary team
We visit all kinds of exotic animals (mammals, small mammals, reptiles and birds). We offer services such as preventive medicine, advice for breeders / Associations / Zoo Management Program, diagnostic imaging tests, soft tissue surgery and dentistry.
We visit all kinds of exotic animals (mammals, small mammals, reptiles and birds). We offer services such as preventive medicine, advice for breeders / Associations / Zoo Management Program, diagnostic imaging tests, soft tissue surgery and dentistry.
Other services
Hair salon
Hairdressing, canine and feline aesthetics service by Cristina, our hairdresser.
Dermatological treatments at the same center
Hair salon
Hairdressing, canine and feline aesthetics service by Cristina, our hairdresser.
Dermatological treatments at the same center
The Shop
In our shop you will find veterinary prescription food, toys and accessories for dogs, cats and exotic animals, dewormers and items for animal welfare.
The Shop
In our shop you will find veterinary prescription food, toys and accessories for dogs, cats and exotic animals, dewormers and items for animal welfare.
Prevention is everything in this disease. From February the influx of the mosquito named "Phlebotomus" increases considerably. So now is the best time to start protection. Now, we're going to explain to you what the campaign is about: 1. Starts with a complete...
In Catalonia and throughout the Iberian Peninsula there are a series of species of turtles, both water and land that are native to here. Others have been introduced and are considered invasive species. With this article we want to explain which are the...
Due to the appearance of a new variant of the viral hemorrhagic disease in Spain, we want to inform you about the current situation and the fact that there is already a specific vaccine to protect our rabbits. That is why we want to recommend its...
Location and Contact
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